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Here Are Ways to Tell You May Need to Replace Your Heating System Before Winter


We may not have winters as cold as more northern states, but we still get our share of cold days here in Greenville. You don’t want to try to manage the season without a heating system you can trust!

So, can you trust your heating system? 

Our mascot Moose thinks it’s a good idea to ask yourself this question before the winter weather settles in. Heating systems can last for many years, but nobody has invented one that will last forever. If you think you may have a heater that’s close to the end, right now is the best time to do something about it. Below, we’ll go through the best ways to tell that you may need a heating replacement in Greenville, SC to prepare for winter.

The age of the heater

Although there’s no way to tell exactly how long a heating system will last, we do have a good idea of the average lifespan of different heating system types. Gas furnaces last for around 15 years, electric furnaces for 20, and heat pumps and ductless systems for 10 to 15. If your heater is over its service life estimate—especially if it’s way over—then you should already be thinking about replacing it, even if it still seems to be working fine. At an advanced age, a heater can start succumbing to all types of problems all at once, including a sudden and permanent breakdown. 

The history of energy bills

A quick spike in the cost to run your heater is often a warning that it needs repairs. A slow general climb in the cost to run it often means the system is running down. Compare your heating costs over the last few years, and discount things like changes in energy prices or increased use when more people were in the house. If you see a rise, it’s a good indication the heater is in the last one to two years of its life. 

The history of repairs

A heating system that has regular maintenance should be able to make it through many years without needing any repairs. Repairs are more likely to crop up in the second half of the heater’s lifespan, but they still shouldn’t occur every year. Annual repairs are a big red flag of a system that’s too broken down. Paying for those repairs is putting money in the wrong place—it should go to pay for a new heating system.

The heater’s poor performance

How well did your heater work last year keeping your house warm? If it started to take longer to heat the house, you needed to turn the thermostat higher for comfort, or the house had cold spots, then the heater may be losing its heating capacity due to age. This might be something you can have fixed with a repair, but never spend more on a single repair than the half the cost of getting a new heating system.

Need a professional opinion about replacing your heater? Then call on us! We’ll give you the best advice as well as the best service, whatever you need.

Rely on Carolina Climate Control and we’ll say “The Moose Is Loose in Your Neighborhood!”

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